Let me tell you what I did last night, and why I did not blog.
Today, my final essay for MCM was due. Thankfully, MCM is the only class for which the final assignment wasn't also the most important assignment. This was just a short paper, and of course it's a pass/fail class, so I wasn't too stressed about it, but I did in fact need to get it done.
Around nine, my attention span was waning, and by that I mean completely missing in action, so I decided to take a study break and see how things were going down the hall.
My theory on study breaks is that you come back happier, and when you're happy you can also be productive. Hence, study breaks are a good thing and should be utilized freely.
So I went to bother Andrew, who was writing a paper. We started talking about religion, and John and Scott showed up and started playing darts, and I felt personally responsible for derailing Andrew from his work, but I also felt that this was a good thing.
Then we watched a couple episodes of Rome. This is what the Jameson kids have been up to of late, and I find it incredibly entertaining. The Romans have some very quotable moments.
"Take the money!"-Vorenus
The thing about watching Rome is that it's an HBO show. So there are hot sex scenes, there are decidedly non-hot sex scenes, and they have no qualms about showing battles and stabbings and suicides in all of their graphic glory. I'm impressed by their dedication.
(Also, brief shout-out to Octavia and Agrippa. They are too cute.)
It's a hell of a show. Thankfully I've only seen the second season, so when we inevitably run out of episodes, I can watch season one over winter break.
I've got big plans for winter break.
"Over the course of our marriage, I may beat you, either with my hand or a light whip. Do not be upset. I do not wish you to think that you have offended me. I do it only because it brings me great sexual pleasure"-Octavian Caesar
So then we heard that the naked donut run was rumored to be occurring at 1AM last night. Being a group of people who like both donuts and naked people, we brought our diligently studious selves over to the Rock.
Half an hour later, no donuts, but I think I might understand the short-run aggregate supply curve a little bit better now.
It became established that we were still hungry, so clearly a Jo's run was in order. I was in the mood for some onion rings.
While acquiring ketchup, it turns out, I had run into someone who might consider himself an old friend. By "old friend," I mean "bizarre acquaintance from the first week of school who comes by my room every once in a while at two in the morning when I'm not there." We said hello. And he came to my room again last night. And I was not there.
"I would rather die than bring you pain!"-Marcus Agrippa
Back in Keeney, it occurred to me that the cold makes me somewhat delirious. Stefan tried to convince me to take off my shirt for nine saltines and a dollar.
Wait, let me correct that.
Stefan tried to convince me to take off my shirt for nine saltines or a dollar.
For the record, my price is far higher than that.
Sooner than I expected, it was three in the morning.
So now I'm wondering, how the hell did my study break last six hours?
Luckily, I was in a good mood and therefore super productive this morning. All's well that ends well, right?
Finals period is going to be very interesting.
1 comment:
Rome is great! Especially the first season ;)
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