Just not sure.
On one hand, I'm a bit of a facebook traditionalist. When I got facebook, they were on the brink of introducing the news feed. I remember the days when you had to scroll through your own photo albums to see if there were any new comments. In fact, I remember there being one particular photo (of Will in his own basement) that acquired over 800 comments, in the days before notifications (thank goodness. Imagine that. 800 notifications).
So this is a change. And sometimes I like facebook's changes and sometimes I don't. I liked the addition of facebook chat (although I don't like how it doesn't work half the time). I don't like the smaller font that they've arbitrarily decided is necessary. I don't even remember the days when the links to most of the sections were on the left hand side, and not the top.
Things have changed for the better and for the worse but mostly for the well-it's-been-a-month-and-I've-forgotten-what-it-used-to-be-like-so-I-guess-that's-cool.
This new profile isn't bad, I guess. Someone at facebook headquarters knows that the fastest way to get me to want something is to make it display pictures of myself in a prominent location. But do I want my life story so close to the top of the page? Do I like the idea of public lists of friends?
(I already have lists. On facebook chat my people are categorized as "america friends," "swiss kids," and "brown". "america friends" was initially titled "people i actually talk to" but then it became necessary to separate my groups of friends by time zone. And then Brown kids showed up and they're unique enough for their own category.) In any case, I wouldn't want to feel an obligation to put anyone on my "people i actually talk to" list, even if I don't really talk to them that often (or want to).
Public lists are nothing but trouble.
Hopefully I'm in a phase of my life in which people are less petty than that. That would be nice. Fingers crossed.
And in any case, I get to look at pictures of myself, so... I'm happy enough.
Love always,
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