
don't insult my sleeping habits

Me: I'm either a friendly drunk or a belligerent drunk.
Sonny: I'm right in between. I sit there and die. I like it!

Sonny is one of the new members of the international school gang. I have to say I'm somewhat obsessed with him. Is that weird?
I don't think it's weird.

I was hanging out with some of these kids this afternoon. I was taking a nap, because my sleep cycles are completely out of whack (my attempts to reset my internal clock by fasting failed when I remembered how much I like food), and Chris calls me, and basically here is our conversation--

Chris: Who am I speaking to?
Me: Clara?
Chris: Your voice sounds different.
Me: You woke me up.
Chris: Why were you napping? You can sleep in! I had to wake up early this morning!
Me: Did you call me to insult my sleeping habits?

It was rather rude of him. But I ended up dragging myself out of bed because that's generally a good thing to do, and wandering around town with the bunch of them. It was a good time. We went to the metal store (music, not alloys and whatnot) and I made fun of the band names.

Me: Anthrax... that sounds fun. Ion Dissonance... I feel like I might have learned about that in AP Chem or something... Did you know that every single t shirt in this store is black?

It really does entertain me to point these things out.
Later my class got together for dinner. It was pretty chill. We had Thai food. Percy wasn't wild about that idea for whatever reason, but we made him deal with it.

Steve: Mehdi, I thought you weren't hungry.
Mehdi: (looks at his clean plate) It just feels like a waste not to eat it! There are starving kids in Africa.
Steve: I've never liked that argument.
Me: Yeah me neither. I mean, if I could take my extra food and put it in a box and send it to Africa, maybe I'd do that instead? But eating it doesn't help anyone.
Mehdi: I'm just saying, if a starving African kid saw all this food, he'd be pretty happy.
Percy: No! He wouldn't! He'd say we don't eat Asian food!

I didn't realize starving Africans were so particular. Percy did grow up in that sort of environment though, so I guess I'll have to trust him on that.
Nota bene: If you're donating food to Africa, don't send sushi.

Love always,


Thomas said...

Don't worry it's not weird. Obsessed with his skettish behaviour as well. not going to lie.

Me and him are best friends yeah. BACK OFF.


Daphna said...

1. thai food is connected to all kinds of wonderfulness.
2. sushi is my life.
3. i miss you. come back to my country.