

I stubbed my toe on the way to class this morning. It was very upsetting.

Me: You guyssss I stubbed my tooooooe and it hurrrrrts. [note: I think that this is actually how I speak when I'm in a bad mood]
Benny: I'm sorry.
Me: Ugh. This day has had a phenomenal start.
Benny: Maybe that's because today is a phenomenon.

It's hard to be in a bad mood when you've been told that your day is a phenomenon.

Speaking of things that will alleviate a bad mood, if any of you are in the mood for some ribaldry, you should watch this because it is worthwhile and rather saucy.

Thursdays always get me in the mood for ribaldry, because thursdays are before fridays, and fridays tend to be quite saucy indeed.

Love always,

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