
december has been a bad blogging month for me

I so apologize. I'll blog twice today, because last night we watched Eclipse and I had a lot to say about it and then I got tired and went to bed instead of releasing my thoughts to the internet.

I have to say, I find both the male leads in that movie remarkably attractive. The thought occurred to all of us, more than once, that it was downright unfair that Bella should have two such fine specimens of the male form both head over heels in love with her.
Can we talk for a second about how Bella has basically no attractive/interesting qualities?

Amanda: Maybe I should start speaking in a monotone and tripping over things.
Me: I trip over things all the time! It doesn't help!

Seriously, she spends the entire movie blinking at people. She has one expression, and it is blankness.

Bella: [looks blank] I'm so glad you're safe.

... later...

Bella: [looks blank] I never wanted to hurt you.

... later...

Bella: [looks blank] I punched a werewolf.

I actually wish I were joking about that.
It's as if she's trying to be mysterious, except she has basically nothing to hide. There is no actual mystery. She's just boring.

So that bothered me. Also, the mormon undertones were out in full force in this installment. Edward has a long speech about how, while his soul is already a lost cause, he would never risk Bella's soul by sleeping with her. Because, obviously, sleeping with someone steals their soul. Just like making someone a vampire steals their soul. Vampires and non-virgins are basically the same thing, right?
Yeah. Thought so.

That bit was awkward mostly because we were watching with a couple little boys around the age of ten (we'd told them it was kind of an action movie). And their mother. She had been hoping the whole bit would go over their heads, but then we hear the older one ask, "MOM, WHAT'S A VIRGIN?"

Too funny. Anyway, Twilight continues to be a waste of time, except that Jacob is super hot, and Edward has this twisted romantic side at which I cannot help but swoon. Fifteen was the perfect age to read those books.

Love always,


John White said...

two of my favorite paragraphs I've ever read on your blog:

"It's as if she's trying to be mysterious, except she has basically nothing to hide. There is no actual mystery. She's just boring.

So that bothered me. Also, the mormon undertones were out in full force in this installment. Edward has a long speech about how, while his soul is already a lost cause, he would never risk Bella's soul by sleeping with her. Because, obviously, sleeping with someone steals their soul. Just like making someone a vampire steals their soul. Vampires and non-virgins are basically the same thing, right?"

Thomas said...

I was going to say something midly interesting but then I got distracted by the word verification word that identifies you as a human.. and shit, below.


Not going to lie, I may have giggled.