
End Suffrage!

In history class. Discussing women's suffrage and WWI

Bam: Don't women already have suffrage at this point?
Ms. M: Maybe in your mind
Everyone: Wait, what?

Yar caused something of a disturbance.

Bam (whispering): Yar, no, don't!
Ms. M: What?
Yar: Apparently i was about to do something that people aren't supposed to do, but eveyone does, and that it's a bad idea ... It's like cigarretes, there is something that you're not supposed to do, but you do do.
Ms. M: Are you selling drugs over there or something? You're not very subtle.

For the record, he was about to eat a stride gum wrapper. I do it too. Only when I'm in the car.

Love always,

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