
Sinusoidal wave form?

My own sinuses are having a hissyfit. It's warm, which is great, but that leads to time outside, which is also great. what's not great is the pollen in the grass, or whatever else it is that makes my allergies freak out.
And I didn't take my singulair last night. Bad choice.

Me: *is weird and giggly*
Joey: Did you take your pills today?
Mr B: That's for like, asthma
Me: Yeah, see, the thing is when I get allergies, they infect my brain

Anyway, the sinusoidal wave forms are in physics. Where I am. Wait, what?
I am in that realm of waves. Mostly sound waves. Or others. And Light.
The speed of light is c. Which stands for celer.

We had chem outside. So obviously my senses are a little... off.

Hanna's last name is Rocks. How cool is that? And the Rocks family is tall, generally.
Just now Mr C was discussing how he buys big clothes for his young and growing son.
Hanna: We tried to do that with my brother...
Mr C: But the Rocks family is freakishly large! A week ago, you were 5' 2"

A moment of serendipity just occurred. Involving myself being a physics dork.
Maybe I'm a curiosity dork. Or a person who was accustomed, in her wee years, to asking complicated questions to try to outsmart teachers. Not that I knew the answers. But they didn't either, and I supposed they'd never thought to ask.
In retrospect, I bet they did.
I was a pretentious little thing.

Mr C on genealogy: You think 'oh, I must be related to all these famous people'... nope, all just alcoholics and criminals

Today in math, I learned that I am the age of the average penny in circulation.

Mr H: So the average penny was minted sometime between 1990 and 1992
(it is realized that that is also the average age of those in our math class, roughly)
Me: That's weird to think about. Like we've all been minted and exchanged and whatnot
Reilley: "how old are you?" "let's just say i'm the age of the average penny..."
Sam: I feel dirty
Me: That was creepy...

Humid air. it's what we're discussing, and it's what's outside.
What crack am I on today?

I was laughing at lunch (not unusual)...
Teddy: You're laughing way too hard
Isabella: (having misheard) WHAT?
Teddy: (repeats). What did you think I said? That her laughing...
Isabella: Makes you hard
Teddy: I'm sorry clara, that laughing will never make anyone hard.

and then...

Teddy: Isabella, your laughing makes me flaccid
Isabella: Good. Let's keep it that way.

Later I found myself in the grass with those guys. Isabella was reluctant.
Isabella: Teddy, if you make one penis joke, I will... (trails off menacingly)
Teddy: Hey isabella, your pink highlighter is... hard.

Maturity in abundance.

Love always,

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