

This is consistently my favorite part of homecoming. The official homecoming dance is always awkward and fraught with sexual tension and awkwardness and such.
However, it is almost impossible to be awkward after you've stood in a circle around a bonfire and sang "Stand By Me".
That's why this part is my favorite.

By this part, of course, I mean the amazing random tundra field dance party that always transpires and always leaves me hot and sweaty and exhausted and high on life and voiceless.
They played "Don't Stop Believing" toward the end when everyone was basically clearing out. I told Isabella, "Hold on, I've got to go pretend I'm in Glee!" and I went and sang and danced with the freshmen. I told them the people in my grade were all pretending to be too cool. But I was rocking out with these kids, some of whom I knew, some of whom I may never get to know. I hope I left the impression that not all seniors are boring and scary and wrapped up in their own lives.
I swear to Greenberry's, I will never ever pretend to be too cool for this stuff.

Speaking of Greenberry's, Eleni and I had a work party there today. By work party, I mean we went intending to do work but ended up talking up a storm and going to get sushi.
Real conversation in the car on the way back.

Eleni: I think I'll go back to my spot.
Me: ... what?
Us: *insane giggling*

That almost summarizes the sort of conversation we have every day. Things just don't make sense when we talk, but it's awesome.

Now I'm at Isabella's house. Her family is watching Monk. I told them I'd join in a little bit when I emailed my physics homework in, but I also had to blog.
It has been a fantastic day.

Also, I dressed up as a police woman. The costume included handcuffs. Score.
I had hooked them to my pants, but forgot to remove them when I changed my shirt from the police jacket to my regular shirt. I went from girl-in-costume to sketchy-girl-with-handcuffs. It was sweet.

Me: ... I don't know.

The new hip thing to do, apparently, is play the first eight measures of a pop song on the piano in the crossroads. It's pretty chill, except when the people have no idea what they're doing.

Me: There should be a password for the piano
David: Yeah. Maybe it could be 'talent'.

My general schedule tomorrow-
11:00- Isabella and I get manicures
after that- we eat lunch someplace
1:30- soccer game starts. Isabella wants to be there, although I have no idea why.
2:00- football game starts. What do we eat? Frog meat. Damn amphibians. It's like, what do you live on? Water or land? COME ON, YOU HAVE TO PICK.
4:30- probably return home
7ish- begin to get ready for homecoming dance
7:30- guys show up for said dance, loiter.
after that- we eat.
after that- we actually go to the dance for probably twenty minutes max.
and finally- watch scary movies, eat candy.

I'm going to send in my physics work and go watch Monk with Isabella's family.
Homecoming 09 is shaping up to be a great one.

Love always,

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