
I should be more positive.

I think a lot of people here would actually prefer that I do the opposite- not that they want me to be unhappy, but I am in this habit of being enthusiastic even when I'm stressed out and going crazy.
But seriously, I should be more positive (genuinely).
So I will make a list of things I am thankful for (and feel like a pretty huge dork who's more than a month early for this kind of thing):
  • Patrick the laptop tells me the time. Thanks, Patrick!
  • Just now, I simultaneously ate ravioli and took a math test. Hooray for home-schooling!
  • Enough people have signed up for the unnamed a cappella group that I'm starting, so we're actually going to exist! Awesome!
  • My online psychology classes involve videos by Dr. Phillip Zimbardo, who I love! Familiarity is so hard to come by here!
  • I have a Mars bar!
  • I have actually seriously founded a Student Athletic Committee. I know, right? Me? Athletics? But I've decided here it's more an issue of cheering and being excited about things, which is so my style. Also, we're going to have some sort of spirit week. And I'm designing sweatshirts for the basketball team, which is basically the only team we have here.
  • There's a student council meeting today! Hooray for getting things done!
  • There are only three days until October break! And only sixteen days until I'm back in the DC area!
These things are all very exciting.
As Julien said, I should probably lay off the crack.

Love always,

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