

I slept in this morning. But before that, I had a really weird dream.
It had two parts. The first part was before my alarm clock went off and I realized my first class was at 12:00 today and there was no reason to get up at 7.

That first part was roughly as follows: I was at something, and I think it was supposed to be Junior Retreat, but we had this sort of talent show. So everyone was standing in this HUGE oval in this also-huge room. And this guy shows up carrying a giant polaroid camera, and I get onto it. And he runs around the room while I do something similar to a can-can. That was our talent. Can-can on a camera.

This is the second part: I am at someone's summer home somewhere, and there's a party, and I am expected to be a guest at this party, but I have also been put to work- I am to cover a board with "pearls", but these pearls are little drops of this glue-like stuff that sticks to your hands, so you have to drop the glue out of the tube wearing rubber gloves, just in case. I decide it is also necessary to do this while in the bath (because the water would also keep the stuff from sticking to my hands?). Then my sixth grade teacher walks in and I realize I'm not wearing rubber gloves, which is why I am failing so miserably at my task. He had had to do the same thing, but he finished quickly because he did it the right way, and I was clearly doing it the wrong way, and it at that moment occurred to me how impolite it was to use someone else's bath without even telling them.
My parents and I leave the party, because we're driving home with CeCe's parents, but then I realize I left my shoes inside and so I run across the front yard.
Somehow in the midst of this, someone refers to my talent show performance. I explain to them that it was a dream, even though they were there.
Also, I spent some time walking in the back gardens of wherever-the-hell-I-was.

It was really strange. I made myself wake up at 8:30 just so that I could get out of the dream.
I'm going out tonight, in a couple hours or something. It'll be sweet.

Love always,

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