
There's no place like home. Fo rizzle, Dorothy.

Why? Because for the first time in over two months, I'm back in the state in which I was born. I never realized how much I valued the concept of 'home' until basically today.
Now, I'd known that something was off while I was in Switzerland, I just didn't fully know what I was missing. Now I know. It's this.

Took the train from Philly. It was crowded, so I sat in a foursome with three businessmen with laptops. Actually, one of them had two laptops. It was very hardcore. I sat there reading The Guinea Pig Diaries (which is awesome and hilarious, by the way, if not especially challenging reading), having finished the somewhat depressing but interesting The Elegance of the Hedgehog (which is very French and rather sublime).
I wasn't really focusing though. I was beside myself with anticipation. I was doing weird things in public (not that this is unusual. I think it might have to be a new tag. "Doing Weird Things in Public". It could actually be the title to my autobiography).
When it seemed we'd crossed the Maryland border into DC, I actually said "haHA!" Think "huzzah!", not "hahaha". I thought I'd said it really quietly, but it clearly wasn't quiet enough. The three very serious businessmen with their four laptops between them exchanged nervous glances.
Then when the train pulled into the station, I giggled.

So that was awkward.

But no matter! I'm home! No longer will my weirdness in public be chalked up to being an 'auslander'! I can make a fool of myself without reflecting poorly on my nation!
I can talk to strangers again!

And I can see my friends. This is the most important thing. I look forward to tomorrow morning, when I really go to school for the first time since June.
I've missed Potomac more than I could have predicted. I was going through my mobile-upload facebook album the other day and found this gorgeous picture of the Upper School flag circle in the sunset that I must have taken on my phone in sophomore year or something. The description for the photo is-
in a weird way, i see this and think, 'home'

Love always,

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