

It's funny, when you split up the word "exhausted" it looks like it involves being out of one's German 'Haus'. Curiously, my exhaustion is very much related to the fact that I'm out of my house in the land where people speak German (or rather, Swiss German).
I'm in America!!!!!!!!!!
There are not enough exclamation points to express my enthusiasm, but I'm afraid that if I add any more I'll look like a 13 year old girl.
Okay, to be honest, I already look like a thirteen year old girl.
But not, you know, in real life.

Anyway, last night I flew from Zurich to Boston, got in at 9:00 which felt like 3 AM, and almost passed out when we finally got to the hotel room. Then my damn circadian rhythms told me to wake up at 7:15. It was, to say the least, annoying.

I'm doing an overnight stay at Williams College right now. It's pretty sweet. We're hanging out in the entry common room and I'm trying to do physics but getting very distracted.

Joe (to a fellow prefrosh): What're you reading in AP spanish lit?
Fellow Prefrosh: [book]. It's brutal
Joe: But isn't it hilarious? Oh Loraine, you would hate this book. The guy is like, "Hey you know what I really like to do? Get women to sleep with me and then leave them!"
Loraine: I would hate that.
FP: ... that's actually almost a direct quote of something I just read.

Love always,

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