
Hello there

Today my second two online classes start. You know what that means?
It means I have drastically less free time.
But it also means I get to watch videos by Phillip Zimbardo, whom I have loved dearly/slightly been obsessed with since CTY cog psych 06.

I didn't blog yesterday. I hate that.
Yesterday was busy in the most mundane ways. Woke up, had breakfast, and we drove to Interlaken and had lunch. It was a long drive. Then we got lost in Interlaken, found ourselves in Interlaken, and drove to Grindelwald, at the base of the Eiger. So then we walked around by some mountains, went into a Mont-Bell store, I bought a little tiny umbrella, and we drove home.
Then I hung out at home for a bit, and then we went to see "New York, I Love You" which was pretty good.
And by then it was nighttime and I went into nighttime time-wasting mode, which included talking to Isabella on skype, which was great.

So, that's life right now.
Not bad, not superb, just life.
But... two weeks until I'm in America. And 17 days until I'm back in the DC area.

We had a great conversation on the tram today about fast food. The Swiss imported all the worst fast food places from America- McDonalds, Burger King, etc.
They all want KFC here. I told them they really wanted Chipotle and Subway and Taco Bell. Clemens said he wanted In-n-Out Burger, but I said we can't even get that on the East Coast, so good luck with that.
I'm going to go to Chipotle when I get back to America.

Love always,

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