
Insanity in the Library, which I missed.

Sam: Hold on, I've got to go do something stupid. I'll be right back.

He just climbed out the library window and started running around in the middle of Outdoor Ed's game. Cath says, "Oh god". Sam is being insulting to her. Siblings are fun. And

David bought me a leopard print Snuggie. In the library I had a super cool fashion show with it, and I'm wearing it on pajama day. It'll be very sexy, because it's leopard print.

In other news, I'm back at school, at home, and I am completely loving it. I could not be more thrilled with life right now.

Cath: Hey Matt did you write your column?
Matt: Yeah but I wrote it in a fever. It makes no sense. It was like "Suburbs. Wealth. Suburbs. Wealth. Pizza?"

Sam: (referring to Katie S) I don't even know what she's doing there. I'm like 'what is that, Harry Potter?'
Katie S: I heard Harry Potter and I'm stoked!
Sam: I was talking about you.

Carolina: Do you know about Omegle? I feel like you would.
Me: Oh, I do
Matt: What's this?
Me: It's like, talking to strangers... on the internet.
Matt: Wow, that sounds like exactly what my mom told me not to do.

Sam: You're really...
Carolina: Creepy?
Sam: Yeah
Matt: Are you guys like, friends or something, or are you just being really honest?
Carolina: We're not really friends.

Love always,

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