
(both him and the lingerie)

That clause was just typed. I will not provide context, because it will only be disappointing.

Daph and I are talking. Which is always awesome.
I've taken to being vain about my last.fm profile. It really annoys me that Ke$ha is on my most played artists in the past 6 months. I know that as soon as we're six months from January (the era of the 80s dance) that'll drop off, but it bothers me regardless.
So right now I'm listening to Jack's Mannequin essentially so that they can usurp her place.
And because I like Jack's Mannequin.

Tomorrow I depart for a far away land, where I won't have my computer, so don't expect me to blog.
First, though, I have a doctor's appointment in georgetown. Which means I'm going to Georgetown Cupcake and getting their free flavor. I love being thrifty.

I just made an epic mix cd for the purposes of my long drive tomorrow. It's a great mix.

These are all sort of non-sequiturs.

I finished a book today that may or may not have contained a tiger. It was a great book, although I have no idea what was really going on. It's wild. Chronic City, if you're interested.

Also, I went to dinner near Tenleytown today. I am feeling so competent at navigating DC. Even without Garmin!
Being competent is great.

Erm that's all.

Love always,

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