
your rules do not apply to me

I'd talk about today, but I spent five hours at Greenberry's taking a math exam. So... there really isn't much to say. Except that there was a problem about the rate at which a coffee shop sold cups of coffee, and I giggled to myself, because I too was at a coffee shop, not drinking coffee.
I just wasn't feeling the coffee thing today.

I actually started the math exam at the school library, since I needed a heavy-duty printer to release the 32 pages of madness that is my final. I figured I'd stay there for a bit, since it is a good working environment. I started listening to music on my phone, too, just for entertainment and morale's sake.

Fifteen minutes later...

Librarian: Hi, what are you listening to?
Me: *Flashes phone. It was on pandora. I had essentially interpreted her question as a friendly gesture. So I was not expecting what happened next*
Librarian: Oh, I see, well, you can't listen to music in here.
Me: What?
Librarian: Yeah, you'll have to take your headphones off.
Me: Oh... Okay.

So... I left.
Seriously, what was the point of that?
I had no obligation to be in the library. If I don't like their rules, I can leave. And honestly, who am I bothering by listening to music? It's not like I was using those horrible earbuds that blast sound everywhere except the intended listener's ears (I've begun to hate those).
I think she took issue with my flamboyant headphones, actually. They're turquoise. And awesome.
I'm a senior anyway. Didn't the rules stop applying to me like, a week ago? Or like, a year ago? Do I even go to this school?

And that's why I went to Greenberry's.

Anyway, tonight was our induction into the Alumni Association, although we are not yet alumni. It was a pretty chill event- good food, some charitably brief speeches, a chocolate fountain. You'd think I'd be so over fondue, after living in Switzerland for shy of a year, but... no. No I am not.
We also filled out these surveys that we'll get back at our five year reunion. A time-capsule of sorts. I'm looking forward to it.
I feel like there were a lot of time-capsules that we've put together over the years, and I'm hoping that at least one of them is revealed at graduation. I love that kind of thing.

Speaking of time capsules and things that are similar, I found this website a while ago that lets you write emails to your future self, and they deliver it at the predetermined time. It's pretty sweet.

Now I'm going to watch the Gossip Girl season finale and go to bed.
I like senior projects.

Love always,

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