
prom prom prom

is tonight.
That'll be fun. I was telling my foster-mother Ms. V my plans for the night... she seemed actually slightly horrified. Her oldest child is thirteen, though, so it makes sense that she's not used to the idea of kids out past midnight, or past 2 a.m., or past any reasonable hour.
I can't wait until I'm in college and no one's waiting up for me. While I fully understand the reasons behind her wanting me to call every time I go somewhere, it'll be really great not to have to.

It occurred to me last night that high school is the same length as a presidency. I am definitely ready for this term to end.

Yesterday, Eleni and Jess and I got coffee in Arlington and did some work. This particular coffee shop, apparently, is where Eleni spends 99% of her time outside of school, so the regulars recognize her (I suppose she's a regular too).

Me: Knowing people is really cool.
Eleni: ... Yeah...

Which reminded her of a conversation she had with her mom on the phone the other day.

Ms. Z: That sounds so nice, going out, having friends...
Eleni: Yeah, having friends is nice, mom.

Anyway, I'm reading for a bit now, and then I'm going over to Isabella's and the prom madness will begin. And then it will not end. For 12 hours or something.
I'm going to need a lot of caffeine though. Last night I told myself to get a good night's sleep, but then I stayed up until 3 am for no good reason.

Whatever. Now I'm listening to Miley Cyrus. Soooo life is good.

Love always,

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