
lefties in canada

I had a dream last night that some of the swiss kids and I were in a band, and someone offered us a record deal or something, but we had to make it to this party in Canada that someone was throwing for us. And I was in New York City with my family, and I figured, maybe I'd take the bus to Canada, but it's hard to find a bus to Canada. I wasn't even sure I was invited to this party though, so that was sort of awkward.
Then, for some reason, I had to become left handed, or maybe my mom did and I was just accompanying her, but in any case, we were sent to left-handed-training-camp, which involved... I don't remember. Climbing up something.
We learned about a boy who didn't have a left hand or something, or he couldn't be turned upside down, and something was going on with his teeth. I was told that his conversion to left-handed-ness took a lot of dedication.
There were magazines.

Love always,Clara

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