
breaking and entering

That aside, my weekend was great. Actually, I guess it wasn't a weekend. More of a Thursday-Friday-Saturday. Which is funny because other people had to go to school.

Driving down was awesome. There's something about highway driving that I just love. Especially when there isn't traffic. It's sort of calming.
We relied on my awesome sense of direction to navigate, because I was confident that I knew the drive like the back of my hand, until we got to the right neighborhood, at which point I had written down the names of the relevant streets (but not which direction to turn on them).
That worked well.

We ended up seeing a driveway that Katie and I were certain was correct. As we were driving down, we kept saying how familiar it looked, and that one time in eighth grade, Isabel drove down this very driveway, because it was so long and isolated that letting a 13 year old drive was a totally okay thing to do.
We figured we were early when there was only one other car there. It still seemed weirdly quiet. I think Isabella knocked on the door.
After about a minute, an elderly gentleman stuck his head out of another door.

Man: Come on in! We're over here!

We all assumed, perhaps this is Isabel's grandfather. We walked around and came inside, to this man's study.

Man: So, what brings you here?

At this point, we're assuming he's senile. We all introduce ourselves, and he asks where we're from. We answer. We make small talk. Eventually, someone asks, "Where are Grier and Isabel?"
Man: What? Forgive me, I can't hear you.
Katie: Grier and Isabel?
Man: Speak up.

This goes on for a while. Then his wife comes in.

Wife: Hello! Welcome! What are your names?

If we had doubted that we were in the right place before, now we knew. She was so welcoming; of course she was Isabel's grandmother or something. She was just so happy to see us! Until...

Wife: So, what brings you here?

At which point, we all realize that we are not in the right house, and that we've spent ten minutes making small talk with complete strangers, who have welcomed us with literally open arms into their home.
They were lucky we weren't crazy criminals or something. If they were robbed, they'd probably be excited to have the company.

So that was awkward.
We managed to get out, and down the right driveway. Eventually.

So much for my awesome sense of direction.

Me: Where would we be without floors?

Love always,

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