
busy day!

Sorry for not blogging yesterday. Or the day before.
Friday I didn't have much of an excuse, except that I went to dinner with Cath and Isabella and Eleni and we were too busy eating hummus for me to blog. And I didn't bring my computer to school. I should do that.
Yesterday I had an awesome excuse, because I was literally at Isabella's house for about 2 hours between 9 am (when I woke up) and 10 pm (when we got home).

I woke up at Cath's, actually, which was chill. I drove over to Isabella's (I'm feeling so capable lately, with all of my driving around DC) and then we went to Tyson's and I bought a dress at Forever 21 that is blue and strapless and too short to wear to school. I'm considering that to be a good thing. I have quite enough dresses that are long enough for school.
So then we rolled back over to Cath's and I tried on said dress and Sam judged me but that's quite alright.
And then we had iced cappuccinos at Open City and freaked out the waiter with sketchy conversations and that was cool too.
And then Isabella and I went to Pasa Thai and ate dinner and then we went to see a horrible movie with some hilarious moments.

"The Back-up Plan" was based on a trashy novel. I know this for a fact. There was a brief period of time, that summer my family went to Spain, when I read a few trashy chick-lit novels, and they read exactly like this movie. The main character was sort of perfect but yet sort of annoying, and she had vast amounts of money that weren't really explained, except that she used to work in "the corporate world," except that it didn't fulfill her, and so she bought a pet store. Animal rights are discussed. Puppy mills are bad. Et cetera.

This morning we watched The Hills.
I feel so weird watching that show. It's sadistic, really. At the beginning, it was just watching random people's lives, which I found a little weird. Now, it's all about watching what happens to someone's life when you watch it; we're only seeing the effects of the reality show on these people, on the reality show. I feel like by watching, I'm helping to fuck up these people's lives.

What are they going to do when people stop watching?

Anyway, that's what I've been up to. I promise that when APs are over, I'll have more time to blog, and more to say. My reading starts soon, so that'll be nice.
Here's what I'm reading: The 10 Best Books of 2009

Love always,

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