Peter: Do you tumble?
Me: Yeah it's like rolling down a hill, on the internet.
Peter: Oh. Ew.
Me: Are you saying you don't enjoy rolling down hills?
Peter: Eh, I guess I did in my youth. Once the arthritis kicked in, a lot of things stopped being fun.
Me: I see.
Peter: Yeah, after seventy, everything starts to fall apart.
I am starting a tumblr blog. Don't expect much from it. In fact, I'm going to wait a month before even linking you to it because I've realized the importance of building up some basic material before showing anything off to the world.
Put that on your calenders, kids.
Love always,
- I'm perceptive.
- Friends are great.
- Salito's-- also great.
- Sex and the City 2-- not great. Hot guys are great, and pretty dresses are great, but watching two hours of hot guys and pretty dresses pretending to be a movie? Not great.
- Spain is also great.
- Miscommunications are lame.
- Robert is a high-class escort service.
a story about my childhood
do you have money?
You should send it here. In the next four days.
You know why?
Because I want this movie to happen. And they're doing the fundraising on Kickstart, which is probably one of the better things about the internet to date. It's a fund raising website, where you set a time limit and a goal, and people donate money, but you're only charged for your donation if they reach the goal. The goal is $10000. The deadline is the end of the month. They've got $9,500 already.
This needs to happen!
So. Donate some money?
I think this issue is an important one, to be honest. I stole The Purity Myth from Katie and it sent me on this feminist streak that's been really interesting. Society is so weird when it comes to girls and anything sexual- it's all or nothing in most cases in the media, and that's ridiculous.
This documentary looks like it could really bring all the strangeness to light.
More info from one of my favorite blogs, here.
Love always,
P.S. If you donate $25, they can send you a signed copy of the DVD. So you're basically buying a DVD in advance, but if the DVD is never made, you don't pay for it.
you're watching afn
Dear Clara:
Congratulations! You have been placed in the following course(s) in the
first round of the CAP/FYS lottery:
PHIL:0250:2010-Fall:S01 (Curricular Advising Program)
LITR:0110A:2011-Spring:S04 (First-Year Seminar)
out tonight
alexander graham bell
remember the light across the sky
Is this not gorgeous?
Today was cool. I've come to the conclusion that my job is awesome.
Also, the ISB kids got their yearbooks today! Is that not the greatest thing you have ever heard? I am so thrilled. It looks beast.
I flip through it and I can tell who designed each page. Like, some are straight Mariam, and some have Halima written all over them.
And then there are mine. Which are all over the place, by the way, because I spent an absurd amount of time working on the yearbook.
They cut out a lot of the text, which is probably ok because no one really reads it anyway. Struck me as interesting though.
The reason I know this is that I went to school today at like, five. Why? No reason really. Chris called and was like "Come to school" and I didn't really have anything better to do.
It was fun. Emily and I played soccer with the guys. We were Team Awesome.
Anyone: [scores goal]
Us: Yeah, that's us! Team Awesome! Another point for Team Awesome!
It was the pinnacle of intensity.
Now I'm going to eat tortellini and play guitar.
Sorry the blog's been a bit mundane. My life's been a bit mundane in the greatest way possible. I'm long overdue for some kind of incredibly awkward experience though, so keep reading. I promise, it's coming.
Love always,
ipad: useful for reading boobs

Davidb and k aren't even near each other on the keyboard. I really don't know where he was going with that.
AND its how i want to read the newspaper next year, which means I won't have to ask for a weekend subscription to the nytimes for my birthday
AND i will read boobs on it!
Love always,

i didn't take this photo

It's one of Nick Cueva's profile pictures.
And it cracks me up like no other.
I just took a 4 hour nap and missed like, 3 phone calls, and completely screwed up my sleep cycle. Now Mom is calling me for like the fourth time and I'm not answering. Yes Mom I know you're reading this. Mom, I ignored your call because I am tired and your calling kept waking me up and now I resent your telephone presence.
Ohhh snap.
Now I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself. I really need to drop off film, but I'm fairly certain I slept past the closing time of most places. Although it's still broad daylight, at 7:18, which never fails to astound me. Late June is the greatest.
Anyway, I'm just here to raise my hands into the air and flail them about, as if there were no repercussions.
Love always,
P.S. What are the typical repercussions of raising one's hands in the air and flailing them about. What repercussions are we failing to acknowledge? That sounds like the basis for some bad policy to me.
i'm back
"he's a handful"
MePresented without comment.
what a weird expression btw
"a handful"
yea like
if a child was literally a handful
if he was that tiny
he'd be easy to manage
also a handful of anything is always better than just a few
oh god put down that handful of jellybeans it must be awful
no one ever says that
i love jellybeans
maybe if you hated jellybeans
then it would make sense
but who hates jelly beans?
or like, "put down that handful of spiders!"
but no one says that either
bc we don't really measure spiders by the handful
quite a poignant observation
Love always,
In other, unrelated news, I'm jetlagged.
In other, completely and genuinely unrelated, news, I've been talking to Phil.
I'm pretty sure that when I started this blog, it was during the week or so during the summer of 08 that we called ourselves "dating" before he cheated on me at boyscout camp or something equally absurd. It's cool that I've been keeping this blog for almost two years and Phil and I are still buds.
PhilIt's a fact of life, really.
yea i call him jbrenz
no i dont
but i wish i could
thatd be sweet
i always have nicknames for people in my head
that i don't use much in real life
but sometimes i do and people are like "wait who?"
why do i feel like this happens alot to you?
because i am completely and transparently dysfunctional
this should not be news
So you know what is completely inexplicable? Signs at the airport, when you're on the road approaching it, saying "ARRIVALS" and "DEPARTURES". Think about it. Either you're arriving at the airport, only to depart from that city several hours later, or you just arrived at the airport, and now you need to depart. No one remains at the airport; everyone arrives and departs. So how are you supposed to know whether "ARRIVALS" means "I just arrived at the airport and am about to fly somewhere" or "A friend just arrived here, and I'm picking them up, from the airport"
I was telling dad this yesterday.
Dad: You should blog about that.
Me: I'm going to.
Love always,

fun with turtle
(This picture is actually from the grad party a couple nights ago)
I've been being a camera whore all night.
We had a birthday party for Dad. My family is gigantic and wild.
Dad: I was worried mom would turn this into a surprise party, but I don't think she did. I think it's just the family.
Me: Yeah, just family. Think about how many of us there are though. It's going to be a party.
I took a billion pictures. Literally.
Or, literally, figuratively.
But don't take that figuratively!
Then we came back to my aunt and uncle's house. We were talking about college shopping.
Mom: Theresa told me how to get things from Bed Bath and Beyond. You go in with a gun...
Me: What?!
Mom: Yeah and you say "look, bitch, I want sheets."
Me: And you have a gun, so they give it to you.
Actually, what happens is you go in with this laser gun and you shoot it at things you want for college, and you do this in your local store, and then when it's time for college you can go to the Bed Bath and Beyond near your school and they say "Oh shit, it's the girl with the gun; we'd better give her what she wants!" and all the things you wanted are like, in a special room for you.
Is that not the coolest thing in the world?
These are the things that I get excited about when I haven't had enough sleep.
Et. Cetera.
Love always,
graduation, etc.

*Am I not a little old to be going to a pediatrician? I think so.
red vs. blue
Daphnai was going through random old things and apparently you said this at some point in time: "Oh I have a hilarious story about Hannah Montana and nihilism and my friend's brother by the way."Mehahahahahahaha
i think i remember what that was about
no joke. beginning of sophomore year.
Love always,Philgod invented confession so christians could run around and have wild orgies with midgets and animals and not feel bad about itMeI see, I see

the pre-graduation frenzy
oh, potomac kids.
the damp tuxedo
have you heard from mfost?
haha yeah nice nicknamae
(i call her that in my head sometimes)
cool, do you call me dwi?
i call you the damp tuxedo
Love always,
summer songs

lottery time
- Fiction I (Literary Arts)
- Exploring the Fourth Dimension (Math)
- Empowering Youth: Insights from Research on Urban Adolescents (Education)
- The Meaning of Life (Philosophy)
- Personality (Cognitive Sciences)
- Digital Art (Modern Culture and Media)
the basketcase
i'm a basketcase
i should be institutionalized
a cute basketcase
or ivy league institutionalized
maybe brown will be my institution
like, my mental institution
as well as ivy league
maybe it will be both!
im sure they have good mental health services
just saying.
it worked for lena chen.
good call, good call
oh god, not that shes an example to model your college life on.
Love always,
cool links! boring blogger
in which i use the word 'integrity' twice
"seize that pile of crap"