
fun with turtle

the house is lit up, originally uploaded by csb324.

(This picture is actually from the grad party a couple nights ago)

I've been being a camera whore all night.
We had a birthday party for Dad. My family is gigantic and wild.

Dad: I was worried mom would turn this into a surprise party, but I don't think she did. I think it's just the family.
Me: Yeah, just family. Think about how many of us there are though. It's going to be a party.

I took a billion pictures. Literally.
Or, literally, figuratively.
But don't take that figuratively!

Then we came back to my aunt and uncle's house. We were talking about college shopping.

Mom: Theresa told me how to get things from Bed Bath and Beyond. You go in with a gun...
Me: What?!
Mom: Yeah and you say "look, bitch, I want sheets."
Me: And you have a gun, so they give it to you.

Actually, what happens is you go in with this laser gun and you shoot it at things you want for college, and you do this in your local store, and then when it's time for college you can go to the Bed Bath and Beyond near your school and they say "Oh shit, it's the girl with the gun; we'd better give her what she wants!" and all the things you wanted are like, in a special room for you.

Is that not the coolest thing in the world?

These are the things that I get excited about when I haven't had enough sleep.
Et. Cetera.

Love always,

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