
"seize that pile of crap"

I'm talking to David about Senior Project presentations.

David: Clara, you and I have been blessed with many talents, the best of which possibly being the ability to ramble on about bullshit for extended periods of time.

I'm thinking I'm going to dedicate a slide of my slideshow to the fact that I've become a regular at Greenberry's.

I spelled Baccalaureate right on the first try in my calendar, which led me to wonder about the etymology of such a word. And here is where I landed.

Me: So they used to orate... sermons. Like Mr. C.
David: I would love him to be my minister.
Me: Me too. If I had a church, it would be the church of Cobb.

I finished a book in one day today. It was A Short History of Women and I highly recommend it if you are a woman of if you are into women or even if you are a gay man, maybe you would like it anyway. Point is, if you ever encounter women in your life, you should read this. And for those monks who haven't seen a woman in years because they meditate all day, they should read it so they know what they're missing.

David: I don't want to say we were thrifty because we stayed at the Ritz.

Hanging out with Vivian and Leo the other night was awesome. They are a great family.

Leo: They have a bad reputation, but there is so much cargo potential in airships! They sort of missed the boat, no pun intended, on passenger travel, but they can lift so much. I'd just need some money to get the idea off the ground, so to speak.
Me: *giggles* That was an awesome pun.
Vivian: I don't get it.
Me: I'll be sure to invest in your Hindenburgs.
Leo: I resent that.

I love living in a house where the 7th grader correctly uses the word 'incorrigible'. I feel like that wouldn't happen in Switzerland. I hadn't realized how privileged I was over here until I left.
Regardless, people with big vocabularies are great.

Love always,

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