
do you have money?

Honestly, let's face it: if you have a computer, you probably have $25 to spare.
You should send it here. In the next four days.
You know why?

Because I want this movie to happen. And they're doing the fundraising on Kickstart, which is probably one of the better things about the internet to date. It's a fund raising website, where you set a time limit and a goal, and people donate money, but you're only charged for your donation if they reach the goal. The goal is $10000. The deadline is the end of the month. They've got $9,500 already.
This needs to happen!

So. Donate some money?

I think this issue is an important one, to be honest. I stole The Purity Myth from Katie and it sent me on this feminist streak that's been really interesting. Society is so weird when it comes to girls and anything sexual- it's all or nothing in most cases in the media, and that's ridiculous.
This documentary looks like it could really bring all the strangeness to light.

More info from one of my favorite blogs, here.

Love always,

P.S. If you donate $25, they can send you a signed copy of the DVD. So you're basically buying a DVD in advance, but if the DVD is never made, you don't pay for it.


Daphna said...

uhm lena chen was all over this. just saying.

Therese said...

Hey Clara - We're confused. Was it something we said?