

I'm back in Bern!
In other, unrelated news, I'm jetlagged.

In other, completely and genuinely unrelated, news, I've been talking to Phil.
I'm pretty sure that when I started this blog, it was during the week or so during the summer of 08 that we called ourselves "dating" before he cheated on me at boyscout camp or something equally absurd. It's cool that I've been keeping this blog for almost two years and Phil and I are still buds.
yea i call him jbrenz
no i dont
but i wish i could
thatd be sweet
i always have nicknames for people in my head
that i don't use much in real life
but sometimes i do and people are like "wait who?"
why do i feel like this happens alot to you?
because i am completely and transparently dysfunctional
this should not be news
It's a fact of life, really.

So you know what is completely inexplicable? Signs at the airport, when you're on the road approaching it, saying "ARRIVALS" and "DEPARTURES". Think about it. Either you're arriving at the airport, only to depart from that city several hours later, or you just arrived at the airport, and now you need to depart. No one remains at the airport; everyone arrives and departs. So how are you supposed to know whether "ARRIVALS" means "I just arrived at the airport and am about to fly somewhere" or "A friend just arrived here, and I'm picking them up, from the airport"

I was telling dad this yesterday.

Dad: You should blog about that.
Me: I'm going to.

Love always,

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