

Discoveries made today:
  • I'm perceptive.
  • Friends are great.
  • Salito's-- also great.
  • Sex and the City 2-- not great. Hot guys are great, and pretty dresses are great, but watching two hours of hot guys and pretty dresses pretending to be a movie? Not great.
  • Spain is also great.
  • Miscommunications are lame.
  • Robert is a high-class escort service.
I do try to avoid rambling about my social life on here, but let me just have one quick moment.
So many times, something hasn't worked out for one reason or another and people have said "You can do better" or "You deserve better" or something. So why do I always end up with the same thing, which isn't better?
If I can do better, where is that better thing and why can't I get it?

Whatever though. This incident isn't an earth-shattering one, and it isn't anything for the memoirs. Yes, I've had breakups that I plan to include in my memoirs. I'd say, Will in 08 (sorry, but you knew that was going to be relevant) and Phil, also in 08 (for comedic value).
We'll see. One of those might be replaced by a later breakup if that later breakup is either funnier or more era-defining than either of those.

Love always,

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