
out tonight

That's where I went.
Actually, first I went to work.
Then I went home for all of ten minutes.
Then I went to the pool, and got lost on the way there, because some people give terrible directions. I asked for help from a Swiss woman.

Me: Scuzi, wo ist... muribad? aarebad?
Woman: Oh! Yes, straight ahead, and to the left!

My german is so unconfident these days. I need to get back into shape. That is, if german constitutes physical activity (and have you heard those consonants?).

The pool was fun. The water was freezing. Robert sort of threw me in. I say "sort of" because once I knew I was going in, I just jumped in. I'd rather enter the swimming pool on my own terms, thanks.

Then a bunch of us walked down the river a bit and grilled. This sounds like a poorly thought out plan, because it was, but it was also fantastic. Kajus had a bunch of chicken, Matt brought a bratwurst, and Chris had a couple small (but delicious) steaks.
Essentially, what guys think when they think "Let's go grilling!" they think, "What do we need? Meat and flame."
Things such as tongs, plates, silverware, any food other than raw meat, or even a proper grilling surface were considered completely unnecessary. Thank goodness heat kills germs, because there was probably a lot of nature happening* on that outdoor grill thing near the river.
So we lit a fire under this grilling surface, because Kajus is the fire-master, and discussed all that is life, and I was the only girl there (which you know I relish).
Then we headed into town and chilled.
And watched the game, which was kind of sad. I wish Switzerland had made it further, if only because I like the drama of being in a country where people care and the team is doing well. I wish I'd been here when we beat Spain.

Anyway, it was a great night. I need to get film for Diana Mini, because I feel like she would be a good companion on these nights. She's got a flash.

We saw a Danish flag somewhere.

Thomas: It's a Danish flag!
Me: I honestly wouldn't have known that.
Thomas: What? Clara, I thought you were smart!
Me: I know, I'm ashamed. I'm not good with flags.
Thomas: I love Denmark!
Me: Me too! I'm going there this summer! I'm going to Copenhagen!
Thomas: That's awesome!
Me: Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
Thomas: What? That's insulting!
Me: It's shakespeare!

That basically sums up this night.

Love always,

*Yeah, that's right, nature happens. It's an event.

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