
creeping as usual

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Ken: Are you returning to your room?
Me: Yep. I believe so. I just wander up and down these hallways. It's kind of creepy.
Ken: I've noticed.
Me: Yeah. The usual. Anyway, see you around Ken. I'll be seeing you.
Ken: ... Okay.

I'm such a sketch. The thing about my hall though is that people don't tend to go through it unless they have to, so stalking other people's hallways is a more efficient means of social interaction than simply leaving my door open.

I spent a lot of time today sitting at Starbucks. I meant to be writing for Fiction but I ended up listening to a long conversation that a pre-med had with his friend about housing, grades, and how another visiting friend of his (whom he had thought "just wanted to see Naomi and get laid") had later sent him an email about how their "friendship was deteriorating" and he had turned into "a self-centered asshole."
It was the stuff of Shakespeare. Obviously I was very much distracted.

Also distracting me today is the pink streak in my hair. This is the kind of thing that I think I wanted to do since I was twelve or something, but haven't had the means or balls to go through with. I'm very pleased.
(I'm not quite as ballsy as I make it sound. This is hair dye that comes out in a couple showers. Still though. I've got a whole bottle of it. I can make this last as long as I want.)

These have been my accomplishments today.

Love always,


Lisa Maria Koßmann said...

You changed the font size which makes me press my nose against the screen - could you go back to the normal size again? :)

clara said...

hahaha oh no! absolutely!
I've been messing around with blog-format things in the last few days. thanks for the input!