
it's exactly what it sounds like

There is a website detailing how to have sex with a dolphin.
I don't know how we discovered this tonight, but we did.

Valerie: I don't want this on my search history!

Ken is applying to be a Meikeljohn, which is a word made up by people at Brown to describe an academic peer advisor. He took this site to be a sort of inspiration.

Ken: Why do you want to be a Meikeljohn? I would like to help the freshmen adjust to college life... and interspecies sex. No, I want the title because it will help me pick up dolphins.

It turns out that you should never try to orally pleasure a dolphin, because it can literally blow your head off with dolphin-ejaculate. I hope that this is the last time I ever have to type (or you ever have to read) the words "dolphin ejaculate."
Oh wait, there I go again.
Anyway, if a dolphin ever propositions you (because, according to this website, they do ask for it), definitely avoid that option.

I get the feeling this is going to be one of those posts that gets hits based on very weird google searches.

Love always,

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