
valentine's day

Happy Valentine's day!
I woke up this morning to the sound of the Keeney fire alarm. It was not ideal. So I started the day in a sort of disgruntled fog. I went to classes, failed to focus, had lunch, induced a sugar high, and promptly came home and crashed. After napping for a couple hours I felt much better.

At that point I remembered that I really like holidays, regardless of my relationship status or romantic prospects at the moment. I had not fully embraced that which is valentine's day.
Valentine's day can be about dating people, but it also has a lot to do with chocolate and the color pink, which are things that I like.
I put on my purple tights and red and pink mardi gras beads. The day got a lot better from there.

Nick the neighbor came by to serenade Genevieve and I. That was pretty cool. Then, when I was sitting on John's floor cutting bits out of magazines, two guys named Sam and JP showed up and serenaded us as well. I've been serenaded three times in the past four days, and I am loving it.

Also, if I might reiterate, chocolate.
That is all.

Love always,

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