
i literally have everyone at this starbucks convinced that i'm high

That wasn't really my goal, but here we are.
I just took my first exam of the semester. I hope it went well. It was one of those test that really could go either way, and I'm just hoping that Festa doesn't mind that I don't know the four weaknesses of the diagram makers.

I have about ten minutes before my next class, so here I am at starbucks.

Me: What is your most caffeinated tea?
Starbucks guy: Either Awake or Zen.
Me: Okay, of those, which is the tastiest?
Starbucks guy: Well Zen is a green tea, so if you're into that, I'd go for Zen.
Me: Oh wow! Super!

I got my tea. It's still too hot, so I don't know whether it's really ast tasty as he says. I was standing at the coffee-additions-table (is there a word for this table? I've always known it as the lace where one doctors one's coffee.) and apparently I was blocking a woman's access to the milk.

Woman: Oh, can I...?
Me: Oh! Yeah! Sorry. Sure. Go for it. I'm like, not even in the real world right now. I'm just, you know, looking at my tea. Yeah. Um. Thank you?

Again with the words just tumbling out of my mouth before I can fully process them. These ones didn't even make sense. At least the icelandic soup comment was somewhat on topic.

Love always,

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