
just a few things on my mind

1. I don't think anyone really thinks it through when they say that x is "a fraction of" y. Like, if I said I would sell you my iPod at a fraction of the normal price... 3/2 is a fraction! Anything could be a fraction! Except irrational numbers. I couldn't sell you my iPod for pi times the usual.

2. I have not left Keeney yet today. One part of me thinks I should get out of this building for the sake of not being in one building all night, and another part of me thinks, "but but Clara it's cold out and you really don't need to do anything out there! I don't want to put my coat on!" So far the latter faction is winning.

3. How the hell is it already 5 oclock?

4. They sell gummy vitamins at whole foods, for adults. This is the best thing that's happened to me in a while. I've got my gummy B12 vitamins by my side. Vitamin B12 is my favorite one, because it's a little bit like crack. And it now comes in raspberry wedges.

5. Every time I clean my room it becomes unclean again within the hour. I don't know why or how this happens. It's like there are messy elves living under my bed or something. Devious, malevolent messy elves. Alternatively, I'm just a slob and I don't realize it.

Love always,

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