
it was far from over!

My last post was indeed a premature retrospective on Spring Weekend. The best, in fact, was yet to come.
There is a man named Dave Binder, and apparently every year the Greek Council gets him to come play a final Spring Weekend concert on Wriston quad.
Everyone is exhausted and drinking at two pm... and then he makes us do the hokey pokey.
I'm not even joking.

Everyone goes out onto the quad, and the nearby frats have cookouts and such. I made some new fratty friends (this has basically been my primary nighttime activity for the last month or so) which was superb. Then Benny and I went with some guys to dance (or, specifically, to twist and shout).

Binder also played Time of Your Life by Green Day.

Me: This song made me cry at the end of eighth grade! Oh my god!

I made the wise decision to bring out my diana mini. One of my new friends said that with my analogue camera and roundish sunglasses and such, I must be a dirty hipster. This, of course, isn't true; I listen to Taylor Swift in the least ironic way possible. There's no way that those two facts can coexist.

I'll have photos soon though. I need to schedule a trip to the CVS that develops film.

Love always,

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