
scooping ketchup and space disco

There is something that all of you need to know about right now, and it is Sir Kensington's gourmet scooping ketchup.

Seriously. On their website, you can learn about the difference between Sir Kensington's and Heinz (hint: Sir Kensington's uses agave nectar and honey to sweeten their ketchup, Heinz uses high fructose corn syrup). You can learn sandwich recipes such as The Top Hat and The Wild Duchess. Sir Kensington himself is a noteworthy character, holding degrees in Industrialism, Philanthropy, Culinary Arts, and Exotic Financial Derivatives.

The best part, though, is that Sir Kensington offers you the opportunity to throw a party in honor of Sir Kensington's gourmet scooping ketchup. They even provide you with a space disco track to play in the background while you spread ketchup on a hearty bread and sip gin and tonic.
It's not bad.

Andrew: If you'd asked me a year ago whether I'd be sitting around in my room on a thursday night, drinking beer, listening to space disco found on the website of a gourmet spooning ketchup company... I'd have said yes.

Next time you're at the grocery store, just consider this.

We're going to have a ketchup party.

Love always,

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