
spring weekend

I skyped Sam at three in the morning last night.
At that point I had been at least a little tipsy for fourteen hours straight.

Welcome to Spring Weekend.

Last night I actually stayed in Keeney. I had sold my concert ticket (realizing that my interest in Diddy was negligible), and had planned on going out and running around afterward, except that the sky opened and started dropping water on everything.
Every time someone would come in wet I would ask whether wherever they had been was worth trekking to, and I don't think a single person said yes.

However, I made friends with Teddy's prefrosh friend, discussed socialism with Ken, and ate tons of rice cakes. And skyped Sam.

It was low key, but it was actually pretty great. I don't think I had the energy or the right mindset last night to go out and party hard. I've been in a weird place lately, and sitting around with friends is exactly what I've been in the mood for.

There's one last concert today. Someone named Dave Binder who sings old classics like American Pie. I'm always down for that.

Love always,

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