

I love the rain. It makes you feel real.
At the same time, it makes you want to take a nap. Also a kind of nice cuddly feeling.
And it kind of casts a weird light on your whole day, and you can spin that however you want to. It's a weird day. It's an off day. It's a rainy day. You can really do whatever you want and chalk it up to being thrown off by the rain.
Rainy days are free-pass days.
My answer to almost anything today was:
*shrug* It's raining.

That's about all I have to say about today. It rained.
"Pluit. Iterum pluit. Semper pluit"
That should be the motto of like, a town in Washington or somewhere else rainy. Translation for the non-latin nerds?

Oh whatever. Look it up, lazy people.
I hope one person will remember what that's from though. Hint: It was spoken with an amazing accent.

Coming Attractions:
College trip part 2- Princeton
Whatever madness Daphna and I get into
Into the fishbowl- Life in the sophomore class party scene
And more!

Love always,

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