
A good sort of day for wandering alone

That sounds way more depressing than it is.

I got to school really early this morning. I went to breakfast club, but I got THERE early (and early for breakfast club is really early, we're talking like, 6:45) and chilled by myself at school for a little bit. played the piano, watched the sky. I like the crossroads (a place in my school). It's great before 7.
There's a great line in a Miley Cyrus song (I know. I was surprised too). It goes:
"Wake up, here we go, cram it all down my throat,
stomach's so full that I wish I could choke
7AM my head's already in a spin"
When I was driving to school today, I figured, it must be something about 7 AM, because at 6:45 I was totally calm.
So then after school I decided I needed three things
a) small plastic animals (to symbolize my muse and inner critic-- it's a NaNoWriMo thing)
b) gum (as always)
c) a spork (Another NaNoWriMo thing)
So I decided to figure out my way around the area around my school. Went to Safeway. Looked for sporks to no avail (plastic spoons and forks abound, but no hybrid silverware...). And then I went to Tree Top Toys and found Henry and Norman. Henry is my inner critic. He's a rather realistic-looking rubber type turtle. He's slow, but he's convincing. Norman is a little turquoise wind-up dinosaur. He's my muse. He's silly and he goes places.
I also found an uglydoll keychain for my keys, because my happy orphan lanyard broke. I had a beaded lanyard that orphans made in africa. But they weren't exploited orphans, they were orphans who made things to boost their own self-esteem. Happy orphans. Or so my friend told me- he was in africa this summer and got me the lanyard.
So in Tree Top Toys I asked where I might find a spork. When they asked, I said it was for the same reason I needed a little plastic dinosaur, which seemed to satisfy them i suppose. They said 'Try Giant' and gave me general directions ("you know this road you're on? turn right out of here and keep going"- i'm an idiot). 
Getting out of the car at Giant, this guy says "You're nice and slim. You have it easy! I'm big and fat. Have a good day" and gets in his car and drives away.
I was bewildered, but quite flattered.
No sporks at Giant either. I'm going to have to order one online or something; I need a spork.

Grace decided she would walk home from the gym today, much to my mom's terror. It's a long walk.

So basically, wandering around has been a theme today.
I have a lot of homework though, and I want to watch House tonight. And read. 
Life is hard.
But it's good, because I QUIT MY SAT TUTOR. So I am a happy person.

Love always,

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