
One thing I've noticed...

... and a friend told me this before i experienced it myself, but she is so completely right:
You begin to cherish the time you have in the car by yourself.
Like, at first it was way weird because no one was there to tell me if I should switch lanes or turn on the radio for me or any of that, but now, i enjoy it
I got stuck in traffic on the way home today. It wasn't bad. I rolled down my windows and blasted a combination of the camp rock soundtrack and coldplay. No one could tell me not to. It was good.
We all need that i think. When I'm driving I don't have to care.

I had two classes today. Two. Physics and History. How great is that?

I've realized that I only have two female teachers- my english teacher and my history teacher. The rest are men. Maybe it's because I'm taking two sciences, but it seems to question that whole 'most teachers are women' idea.
Another stereotype to be questioned- the "girls aren't as good at math and science" stereotype.
In my AP chem class, there are five juniors. We're all girls.
In my accelerated precal class, there are nine girls. And four guys.
In my Physics MM class (the advanced one. It's physics mathematical modeling, not "physics. mmmm"), there are a whole bunch of us. and three guys.
So looking around, I'm seeing a lot of girls who are rocking the math/science world.
Hell yeah.

I've decided I want to live in the shadow of mountains. Today the clouds were looking like mountains and it reminded me of Germany. Germany was beautiful. Is beautiful. And those clouds looking like mountains were kind of breathtaking.

Love always,

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