
Monday night sleepover.

They're fun. I should be studying for my latin test, and I am, but I'm also at a friend's house tonight. Why? Tomorrow I enter the mysterious tuesday-morning land of the religiously devoted.
It's called Breakfast Club.
And they meet on tuesday mornings at school. And they've been saying for a while now that it really is interesting when not-religious people attend. Which is where I come in, being the secularest of them all.
I'm not a big religion person.
I'm a people person.
I think people are good (mostly), and the people who don't do good things are probably too wrapped up in their backwards priorities to realize it. But according to those backwards priorities, they're doing the right thing too. So they just need their priorities rearranged, and no one can do that for them. They're on their own, when it comes down to it.
Anyway, Jesus said cool things, or the Bible tells me so, and that's awesome. Love your neighbor. Sweet. But all the bits of that same bible that are... physically impossible? I'm going to bet that they didn't actually happen.
And I personally think that the old testament is a little out there, but that's just my personal opinion. Pressuring a guy to kill his son? That's low, God.

So tomorrow morning I'm doing that. And this friend of mine goes all the time (she's actually religious, that's cool) and lives closer to school so I'm at her house tonight.
I'll let you know how it goes.

BTW, please remind me that I may or may not be sharing my interesting theory on love. It's interesting.

Oh and other interesting experiment of the day: If you read this, whoever you are, I don't care, leave a comment. I'm just curious.

Love always,

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