
Career Options

I'm kind of thinking I want to go into marketing. I mean, I kind of find that stuff fascinating.

But today has made me think, "Wow Clara, you should be a motivational speaker"
Because I know a crapload of ways to make yourself feel less like crap.
For example- writing happy things in big letters. Things like "YOU ARE GOOD AT THINGS" or "YOU ARE AMONG THE MOST AWESOME PEOPLE ALIVE". It sounds way weird and super vain, but whatever. Sometimes that kind of thing is necessary.
My favorite quotation of all time-
"You are not simple or vain or boring or mean. You're colorful, complex, and have a beauty that's all your own. And for the record, you're infinitely nicer than they give you credit for"
Great, right? It just makes you feel a little happier.

Of course, if that career option doesn't quite work out, I could be about half a billion other things.
Which I won't name now because I can't think of them... but I swear, there are options galore. For all of us.
I just really don't want to do something boring. See my time at the internship; I am not good at sitting at a desk feeling unenthused.

Love always,

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