
College trip, part two

The Princeton Narrative

So my Dad and I had to wake up insanely early yesterday morning to catch a train. Took train, went to starbucks, talked to cab driver about his insane mortgage issues, got dropped off at princeton. It was raining and dreary but beautiful regardless. We go to one building where Vladmir the friendly security guard (sarcasm) tells us we can't go in but should go to this OTHER building. so we go there, and they send us somewhere ELSE, and on the way to this third place we run into other confused looking people, and we eventually figure out where we're going. The information session was informative, but nothing groundbreaking. The tour was cute and rainy and multiple Hogwarts references were made. So I was happy.
Then Dad and I had lunch in the student center (good food by the way) and met up with Daphna (yay!) and then later her sister (who I had never met but is way cool). So then her sister showed me her dorm room and we all chilled there for a bit. And then we got ice cream and I had to go home.
That is the epic story of Princeton University.

Daphna's sister said the math program sucks- darn
Quite pretty, except the school of architecture, which is easily the ugliest building on campus (ironic much?)
Good food
Seems like it would attract a certain type of person- do I want to be that person? Maybe. Not sure.

Currently if I had to rank the three I've seen, it would go

So that's cool. I liked it.

Love always,

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