
how the cool kids spend a saturday

10 AM- wake up. realize you slept in a sweatshirt, which gets uncomfortable and leads to strange dreams about painting a floor, your laptop battery dying, realizing that the movie theater is at the end of your street, and shaking little nerds-like balls around in paste to discover that someone is an alien.
12 PM- decide that if you're going to leave the house in the near future, you should take a shower. debate whether it's worth it. shower.
1 PM- go to CVS. buy a magazine, a diet coke, gum, and a 6 pack of mini boxes of raisins. yum (i'm eating one right now)
1:15 PM- drop off more Holga film. As always, get strange looks when you say that it's size 120. Decide you're going to have to figure out the right term for that.
1:30 PM- go to the bookstore. buy two books on getting into college and one about National Novel Writing Month.
2 PM- Go home. Read. When your parents come home, pretend you were reading Seventeen Magazine's article on America Ferrera's best fashion moments, and not Fiske Guide to Getting into the Right College. Chew a lot of gum. Eat some raisins.
5 PM- Go up to your room. Decide what to wear to the baseball game
6:15 PM- Leave for the baseball game with your parents. You are meeting friends there.
6:45 PM- Get to the box before the hosts. Awkwardly hang out with your parents. Yum, baby carrots.
7 PM- Hang out with non-parents at the baseball game. Watch the Nats lose. Again. Be fine with it.
10 PM- Leave. Wait for your parents to have an alarmingly uninteresting conversation with a woman who has been on two seperate boards with both of your parents. Suggest quietly that, since you have the keys, your parents could take the metro home, because you have to take a PSAT practice test in the morning. Get a really dirty look from your mother
10:30 PM- In the car, your dad will tell you about an interesting math problem that was on your sister's homework last night. Work it out on a Starbucks bag you find in the car.
11 PM- discover that you had misunderstood the problem and work it out again, on graph paper this time. Get the same answer your dad did, but in a different way. Feel good about that PSAT tomorrow morning.
11:25 PM- Blog.

Love always,

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