Last spring, I went to Germany and Austria with my school chorus. It was awesome.
There were these German kids who lived in the town in which we were staying. We met them (they were learning english in school, my german sucks- more on that later) and later friended a few on facebook.
The following Facebook messages are in no way fabricated:
[semi-normal conversation]
German Girl: Want you soon also to marry then?
Me: hehehe at some point. probably not soon. I'll wait a bit- save some time to be reckless, you know how it is :)
GG: Yes :-) enjoy it :-)
Me: exactly :) so you don't plan to get married soon either
GG: I do not have yet sometimes a boyfriend, so it probably still lasts a little bit.
GG: How old are you?
Me: I'm 16. How old are you?
GG: Im 15. do you lie me in with the wedding
Me: :) maybe. my friend and i are engaged on facebook. i pretend for her sake that we're getting married (she would be devastated if she knew i didn't want to get married just yet) hehehe
GG: ohhh :-)) you are so.... i think it was real...
Me: hahaha not quite lol. i'm usually not serious
GG: okay. does she have of it really no notion? Why have you bound up to me this bear? I have thought it real. :-)
I love this girl. She is straight up hilarious and she doesn't even know.
P.S. HOLGA PICTURES ARE HERE and I will upload them soon soon soon
1 comment:
does this mean we are not engaged?? i am astounded!
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