

What a lovely holiday.
I like fireworks and america. I also like the opportunity to play dress up that every holiday seems to bring. Right now I'm wearing white jeans, a blue obama t-shirt, and my red and pink heart necklaces from valentine's day. They were from CVS. I might go to CVS later today, because I have to pick up my Holgas in about an hour, and I might find myself buying more patriotic costumery there.

Last night a bunch of us went and hung out at this playground in mclean and watched the neighbors set off fireworks. It was cool.
More picnics like that need to happen.

Tonight I'm going into McLean again to watch more fireworks. It's going to be awesome. I kind of have to relish these things now, because I know that for the next few years, my Independence Day celebrations will be more official affairs. Although I'm hoping they'll still let me play dress up in Switzerland.

This fourth of july is pretty cool too, because it's the first one in a while where I like the president. I suppose I've liked America for the past nine years, but it's hard to get enthusiastic when you're not a fan of G. Dubs.

America is pretty great though.

Weird thought- Once I move and get swiss friends (NOTE TO SWISS PEOPLE- BE FRIENDS WITH ME!) maybe they'll read this and it will seem foreign to them, seeing as they are not american. 
I don't know what to make of that.

I don't know what to make of a lot of things lately. Not helping the insomnia (which is still going strong, by the way). If the blogging seems sparse, it's because I don't know what to make of anything. I blog when I think I know what's going on. I am, right now, as they say, uncertain about a lot of things, mostly having to do with moving.

My god. I'm so cliche. Sorry, ignore me.

Love always,

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