
A little ADD...

Gawker is so clever sometimes.

On an unrelated note, Michael Phelps is really attractive, and it took me this long to notice. I guess I'm just not into guys wearing goggles, which is the condition he's usually in when I see him (i.e. watching the olympics last summer)

Speaking of the Olympics last summer, that was fun. I was in Nantucket, a wonderful place, and we would loiter, that's what we would do, and we would stay up too late and watch people swim and generally be relaxed and my god, it was great.

Also, the one year anniversary of this blog is August 3. If you wanted to like, make a cake or something.

Actually, I'm going to do that. Or perhaps blog-brownies.
And then I'll ice the giant brownie to look like the blog.
Oh my god it will be so cool.

I hereby clear my schedule for August 3rd and dedicate that day to the alliterative blog-birthday-brownie-baking.

Love always,

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