Second one down when you type in "love always c"
I am more googled than "Love always charlie" and "Love always clothing"
I feel so famous.
Sorry, I'm in more of a twittering mood right now than a bloggy one. But I decided to be a narcissist and google myself, and this is what came of it.
I'm also in an overblown absurdity mood. Like, the sister saw this door today that said on it "THIS DOOR IS ALWAYS ALARMED"
She said no one else in her class thought it was funny. I thought it was funny.
Like, and alarmed door!
Like "Oh, I'm a door, and I am shocked by what you're doing in here!"
Isn't that funny?
Also, Daphna is worried about what I might say about her, although she requested a mention. Let me say that Daphna is not good at not telling things to people who probably would have preferred to recover from swine flu before hearing said things.
maybe you should have let them recover from swine before you did things you promised you wouldn't, hm?
hm well i'm afraid my first thought was not whether persons with swine flu would approve.
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