
Perks of being a Pescetarian

I went to the doctor today.
And I made my nurse's day.

We were talking about how there are things I can't eat (by orders of this same doctor) and just in general discussing my food habits.

Me: Oh and I'm a vegetarian.
Nurse: *writes that down*
Me: But I eat fish
Nurse: ...oh there's a word for that...
Me: Pescetarian. 
Nurse: YEAH! Whoa, you're one of THOSE? I learned that word in nutrition class! I never thought I'd meet someone to whom I could use that word! WHOA!

I'm a vegetarian like I'm from DC. As long as I'm not talking to a real vegetarian or DC-resident I get by. I'm close enough that it counts, and usually not worth explaining. Easier to say "I'm from DC or thereabouts" than "I'm from Northern Virginia", and easier to say "I'm a vegetarian but I eat fish" than "I'm a pescetarian...*awkwardpause*... a vegetarian who eats fish"

Love always,


Katie said...

The word pescetarian came up in class today actually!

Yay for making people's days!

clara said...

hahaha under what circumstances does history/philosophy/etc have anything to do with eating fish?