I had always fantasized that one day, once I had my license, I would drive up to Carlisle, PA, and absorb the wonderful Dickinson air and CTY memories.
Well Carlisle session 1 shut down early.
So I got to take that road trip... picking up my sister.
It was a nice drive, actually. Long, yes, but no traffic, a good mix CD that I just made, and nice weather.
Anyways, I can't think of anything to match the tragedy of what has happened to the nevermores of 09. There's an emergency passionfruit tomorrow.
In the name of nostalgia, and because I've been wanting to digitally document it anyways, I'm posting my passionfruit from last year. There are only a few people who will appreciate this, or even know what I'm talking about, but I think it's worthwhile anyway.
[Note to non-camp people: Best move along. Nothing to see here.]
- To Amanda Ball from biking camp, who told me CTY was fun
- To Cogpsych, Dave and Angela, Anya, Boris, Benjamin Rush, and eating macaroni with a sharpie
- To that hall, quad 1, some of the most amazing people I've ever met
- To McDreamy, the first of many McNicknames
- To "yo tengo una fiesta in mis pantalones con muchas vacas y betty"
- To handouts
- To your sexy tractor
- To spending a whole year talking way too much about camp
- To Existentialism B!
- To Maureen and Nick, Banana phone, and interrupting Nietzche
- To Uberquad
- To Hey Juliet
- To saturday morning backstreet boys parties
- To Police and the Private
- To my very first energy drink
- To John Dilinger, who shoots up banks
- To Abby
- To my uglydoll with penis ears
- To "this I know for sure"
- To when guys forget, and then they remember
- To smack-a-hoe
- To my friends asking, "wait, at nerd camp you have a friend named jesus?"
- To the fact that you can call her Jesus, but you cannot call her the messiah
- To convincing my sister to come too
- To "you should date my brother!"
- To Creative Writing
- To Sarah E and my ridiculous/amazing hall
- To Val- those rat bastards!
- To Jonathan and "DO IT TO ME, BABY!"
- To Harvey and always being last to leave for breakfast (Daphna....)
- To her pants
- To the action the wall got last night
- To raping gay babies
- To cannibalistic potatoes having existential crises
- To Slide
- To Starcrash
- To a document entitled, "If I licked tofu..."
- To "Legit" and other abbrives
- To "this is true"
- To getting distracted on the way to the bank
- To naked romps that lead to jail*
- To protection?
- To double klining
- To 7, Police, the square root of three, Donut, Tuna, Tofu, Mikaphee, flower-bird, middle name alliteration, counterparts, Z, weather god, the thing with the thing, and many more
- To the Clara-Daphna dictionary
- To drag day and always-sexy Alex
- To needing to spoon
- To a volcano coming!
- To Holga
- To multiples of five. Psh. Overrated
- To getting my license AT CTY
- To the weather gods giving it to me hard
- To rain
- To idiot whore children... or not
- To Betty, my best friend
- To "No, I want sex!"
- To my ringback tone (that everyone hates)
- To hugs and high fives... or not
- To California
- To "Nice Shoes"
- To drawing a tree
- To throwing the baby
- To tears on the last page, dead little girls, creepy stalkers, murderers, and one workaholic truck driver
- To the purple flying hippo and laser bear
- To being clumsy, falling off a wall, and NOT walking into a door last night
- To Anita Tuvin Schlecter
- To rinas
- To the best roommates I could ask for, Rachel, Hillary, and Petra
- To the HUB
- To potatoes
- To my melons
- To dances, and wishing they didn't end
- To not crying
- To everyone, everyone i've ever met here. You are amazing. CTY people are way better than normal people (sorry 'normal people' reading this. It's kind of true)
- To the whole bunch of us, you know who you are
- To this place making me who I am
- To the bricks on the way to the HUB and the intense love I feel for them
- To everything, to ending, to nothing
- To being forever young
- I love CTY, and I love the Passionfruit

So that was obnoxiously long, which is why I didn't say all of it at the last passionfruit last year. But understand, I'm trying to summarize the best nine weeks of the last three years of my only 17 year life, in a page and a half. It's hard to do.
And sorry it didn't make any sense, non-camp-people.
1 comment:
now we're forever young forevermores together. also, i love you. also, if i licked tofu is the best thing ever. oh, and i cty you.
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