
I guess I'm more Canadian than I thought.

I had an iTunes moment just now. I should have been doing work, but what else is new?

Nice Day - The Salteens
Me and My Friend - Julie Doiron
Combat Baby - Metric
Tbtf - Broken Social Scene & Kevin Drew
Edge of Desire - John Mayer
Expiration Date - Pomplamoose
There Is a Light That Never Goes Out - The Smiths
Us - Regina Spektor
Satellite Heart - Anya Marina (What up, New Moon soundtrack?)
Half of my Heart (with TSwift) - John Mayer

I always feel so much better after downloading a whole bunch of music. Not better than I felt before I downloaded it, but better than I feel when I'm going through iTunes. It's really a stressful process. I feel the need to go through really quickly and make gut decisions within three seconds or something. I don't know why I do it this way.
I very rarely go to iTunes with a song in mind. That's no fun at all.

Anyway, I found a lot of these songs going through the "iTunes Essentials: Canadian Indie" playlist. I was surprised to find out that I already owned a lot of the songs on there, or knew the artists for other songs.
I had no idea my music taste was so Canadian.

Love always,

1 comment:

Katie S. said...

Also, I was listening to "Expiration Date" with Kylie on Sunday !