
Real conversations with virtual math teachers

(The following conversation took place over skypechat)
Me: So I'll have [the midterm] in either tomorrow or tuesday- Monday is a crazy swiss holiday known as onion market, and the fax machine is at my dad's office. So I'll try to get it in tomorrow :)
Mr D: I really want to visit Switzerland. There are so many awesome jugglers there, and you make it sound like a delightfully random/bizzare place.
Me: It really is. Very bizzare. And we have some pretty sweet mountains.
Mr D: Yes, I've seen them in a few of the juggling videos my friends have made.

Somehow I had forgotten that my online math teacher/instructor really liked to juggle. This isn't Edward Burger, the guy from the awesome videos (who teaches at Williams in real life, by the way), but the person who actually grades my tests and answers my questions.

There's just something about math teachers.

Love always,

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